Artist Directory

  • Reed, Mark
  • Reed, Mark
  • United States
Reed, Mark


Florida, USA

Mark is a true Texan, he grew up in Southest Texas, he now lives on a boat in Datona Beach, Florida.  He holds a Bachelors in Business Management and an Associates in Culinary Arts from Datona State College.  He's currently working on a Masters in Aviation at Aeronautical University.  

Mark started carving ice seven years ago, he owns and operates Daytona Ice Art.  In addition to ice carving, Mark enjoys Competitive Shotgon Shooting and he's working to earn his Master Class Shooter.  

The 2015 BP World Ice Art Championships is Marks' first ice competition event.  

..2015 update/ryk 

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Ice Alaska


A: 1800 College Rd

Fairbanks, Alaska 99709


A:  PO Box 74674

Fairbanks, AK 99707


T: 1 (833) 4ICEART (442-3278)